
What is Rotary?
Rotary is a volunteer organization with approximately 1.3 million members in approximately 32,000 clubs around the world. The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.

Why should I join?
If you want to meet a group of positive business and professional people who are interested in making the Yelm community and the world a better place, then come for a visit. We have a variety of charities and projects that we support both financially and with our efforts. The more you get involved, the more you get out of it. You will grow personally and develop many new, diverse and interesting friends while we work together to make the world a better place.

When do you meet?

We meet every Thursday morning (except the 2nd week of the month) at 7:30am via Zoom -- We have a few members that may meet at Tahoma Valley Bar & Grill. Meetings usually wrap up just past 8:30am.  Please email to get our zoom invite. 

How much does it cost?

  • One Time: $25 Application Fee per member
  • Annual Dues: $250 (Option of paying half in June and half in December)
  • 2nd Family Member: $200 annual dues
  • Meeting Meals: as ordered
  • Encouraged $100/year to The Rotary Foundation

What do you do?
We participate in many service projects in the Yelm and the international community.  While nobody is expected to volunteer to help with all the fundraisers, everyone is expected to volunteer for some.  View our web site for community projects locally and around the world.

What are attendance requirements?

Rotary International encourages but no longer requires 50% attendance at club meetings.  Participation in committee meetings, service projects and makeup meetings with other clubs or online are credited towards your attendance, so you have ample opportunity to meet that goal. Many Rotarians strive for 100% attendance and with the ability to earn makeup meetings, this is very attainable

What is the membership process?

To apply for membership, you should attend 2 meetings or service projects and submit this application along with the $25 application fee. The application will be reviewed by the membership committee and the Board of Directors, and once approved, you will be invited to join.


Become a member NOW
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If you would like to make a donation, use the button below to donate via paypal.

Yelm Rotary in the community
Club Leaders
Join us for a meeting

Meeting time:Thursdays at 7:30am


We have our social event at various places - check our website for locations and time.

Tahoma Valley Bar & Grill
15425 Mosman Ave SW,
Yelm, WA 98597
Map it

Mailing Address:

Rotary Club of Yelm
PO Box 2534
Yelm, WA 98597

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